
My first published novel, Riding the High Road was launched by Fantastic Books Publishing in October 2023. Paperback and ebook copies can be ordered via Amazon.

I am grateful to author Lesley Glaister who has given the following endorsement, which has been used for the book jacket:

Humane, gritty, and atmospheric, Penny Frances’ novel Riding the High Road is a moving, absorbing and addictive read. 

Penny Frances’ novel, Riding the High Road, takes us on a twisty and atmospheric ride from the north of England to the Scottish Highlands.  Three characters, all in search of human connection, intersect and diverge in an emotionally charged dance, which makes for a nuanced, gripping and moving read. 

The Fantastic Books M.A.B.L.E online launch video can be viewed here, and includes interviews, reviews, me reading the first chapter, and a conversation with Fantastic Books author Mary Brown. See also additional reviews and interviews on the M.A.B.L.E blog tour

If you read and enjoy the book, please consider adding a review to Amazon and/or Goodreads

You can read more about the novel and the long journey to publication on my blog

beneath our feet are ancient streams Writing the Porter

A pamphlet of poetry, written collectively by 6 women in my writing group, inspired by our walking Sheffield’s Porter Brook. Illustrated by photos and the hand-painted ‘river voice’

We wended our way for a year, over four days, starting where the Porter’s spring becomes waterfall, then brook, then river; it disappears underground, re-emerges, sometimes as a trickle, meandering, then roaring, to merge with the Sheaf below Platform 5 of Sheffield railway station.

Retail price £6, any profits to Sheaf and Porter River Trust. Use the contact form to order (p&p £2) or available in many independent bookshops in Sheffield.